You most likely know a lot about your family, or you might just think you do. How well acquainted are you with your family history? Maybe you had a cute school project to create your family tree, but besides that, you most likely didn’t do a lot of research on your family. Let’s change that right now!
Learning about your ancestors and your family history is very meaningful and important for every individual. The best way to create your family tree is to talk to your family and do some research at your local library. Or you can hire professional genealogists to handle the research. No matter what you choose to do, you’ll uncover amazing information and maybe even a few family secrets. One is for sure—you’ll gain a deeper understanding of who you are and what challenges await you in life. Here are just some of the best reasons to get a family tree done:
It helps you create your identity
Do you often hear that you look a certain nationality? Or maybe you get complimented for your eyes or hair. Where do you think these features come from? With a family tree, you can learn a lot of things about your family’s past and find out where you came from. This will help you form your identity and your sense of self. But you’ll also get to create your own stories to add to the family history and create an identity that’s unique to you. The more you know about your family, the more you can hope to understand yourself and the future generations.
It helps you build resilience and succeed in life and business
Learning about your family will show you all the trials your ancestors had to endure in order for you to be alive today. Many of the things your family went through are downright horrific, given the history of the world, but they can give you the strength to keep pushing. If your grandma could fight for women’s rights and risk being jailed, you can stand up for yourself at work!
It teaches you about your health
Many doctor’s offices often ask you about family health. Do you know whether you have any relatives with cancer, diabetes or other hereditary diseases? If you hire reliable genealogy specialists to conduct your family research, you can uncover many health questions. Plus, you’ll be informed when you need to provide your lawyers, place of work, executors and beneficiaries with information on your family. Your family history can thus help your doctors keep you healthy, help your lawyers keep you protected and help your company make the right hiring decisions.

It brings you closer to your family
If you choose to do your family tree research alone, you will need to go digging through piles of photos and documents. Another way to get information about your family members is to ask your elderly relatives and family friends. It’s delightful to spend time with elderly people because they are often very lonely and yearning for company, so you’ll know you’ll be making someone’s day or even week. When chatting with elderly loved ones, you can’t expect super accurate information, but you’ll definitely get plenty of new names and leads for your investigation. Through your chats, you’ll discover many family members and get to solidify the bonds you have with your ancestors.
It makes you more understanding of culture and tradition
If you have trouble connecting to your heritage, doing a family tree project can create a deeper connection between yourself and your culture. You will understand much more things about yourself and your identity. Some people rely heavily on their cultural identity, nurturing their traditions and unique holidays. It can be super interesting to research and discover the ways your ancestors celebrated big events and connected with their environment. No matter if they were from the same or different cultural background than what you’re used to today, you will find a way to broaden your mind and open your horizons to new beliefs. According to research, kids who know about their history, family and ancestors have a stronger sense of self-worth. They also have a deeper bond with their family, as well as self-esteem and resilience.
You’ll have something to pass down to future generations
Your family tree book or poster is the perfect gift for your family and the future generations that might come after you. If you hire professional genealogists and writers, they can create a story of your family using interviews, photos and articles. This book of your family tree will be a prized possession of your family and carried out from generation to generation, filled with new stories and events.
Even though most of your ancestors are long gone, they can still teach you a lot about yourself. And as you grow older yourself, you will learn to cherish the memories and respect those who came before you. Creating a family tree is a wonderful effort that shows respect, appreciation and love and shares it with your family.