
7 Quick Weight Loss Tips, Quick Ways To Lose Weight

7 Quick Weight Loss Tips, Quick Ways To Lose Weight

Introduction “Change your lifestyle and get the new you” Changing lifestyle is a comprehensive plan that helps you maintain a healthy body safely and permanently.   Before I go over the ways of Weight Loss Tips, I am presenting the advantages...

6 Incredible Benefits Of Ashwagandha Root

6 Incredible Benefits Of Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha has been used to make Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times and is believed to be a beneficial herb. Ashwagandha is classified as a Rasayanas (known as Medhyarasayanas) in Ayurvedic medicine.  The plant is used to cure various diseases, including...

The Impact of Lifestyle on Narcolepsy

The Impact of Lifestyle on Narcolepsy

How do we understand the impact of lifestyle on narcolepsies? This study sought to answer that question. Researchers asked narcoleptic patients a series of questions, some of them binary, some of which prompted open-ended responses, and about the effect narcolepsy...

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