
Now Solve Your High Court Case By Lawyers in Pakistan

Now Solve Your High Court Case By Lawyers in Pakistan

Lawyers in Pakistan for High court cases:

 If you are looking for lawyers in Pakistan or law firms in Lahore for high court cases you may contact Jamila Law Associates. Our Lawyer in Lahore & Lawyer in Lahore Pakistan is best & Top As compare to the Lawyers in Lahore & lawyers In Lahore Pakistan. At the end of that twenty-four-hour period, the police should either charge him or release him – unless he is being held for a ‘serious crime (see below), in which case they may be able to keep him for longer. In these ‘severe cases, a senior police officer can authorize detention for up to thirty-six (not twenty-four) hours and at the end of that time. Lawyers in Pakistan or law firms in Lahore sates that the police can ask a magistrates’ court to agree to further detention without charging (up to thirty-six hours, per application) up to a maximum time of ninety-six hours – i.e., four days of detention and questioning without being charged.

Court Hearing:

This court hearing is private (i.e., relatives and friends cannot attend), but the suspect’s lawyer can appear and argue why the detention should not be extended any further. What happens if the police hold someone for longer than they should (e.g., for more than twenty-four hours)? The answer lies with the ancient remedy of have corpus. It is a written application to the High Court through lawyers in Pakistan or law firms in Lahore, which complains that the detained person is being held against his will and without lawful authority.


 If the judge thinks that the application is well-founded, he will order the police to appear and justify the detention; otherwise, the suspect must be released. But, as with so many of the citizen’s rights vis-à-vis the police, this is often an illusory right. First, habeas corpus applications are rare and time-consuming.

Law Firms in Lahore:

Therefore, it may be challenging to find lawyers in Pakistan or law firms in Lahore able and wing to take the case o; otherwise quickly- assuming, of course, that the suspect can get word to him from the police station. Secondly, the police may well charge him to give them lawful authority for holding him. Often a holding charge of this sort will be made purely as a device to allow the suspect to be held in custody; more often than not, the holding charge will later be dropped. Nowadays, it seems that the courts are not sympathetic to habeas corpus actions. In the last twenty years, while the number of applications has doubled, the success rate has fallen from 22 percent to 8 percent.

Common Issue for Lawyers:

It is common for lawyers in Pakistan or law firms in Lahore to present the court with an affidavit in which he sets out the circumstances which make it clear that his client is being held illegally. Yet, the usual practice is to adjourn the hearing for twenty-four hours so that the police can appear before the court to put their side of the case. Thus, illegal detention continues for another day, which gives the police extra time to extract a confession.   He was suing for the world. Yes. If a person is wrongly arrested and detained by the police, he may sue for damages.

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