Thinking how to stay longer in bed? You may indeed be frustrated right now because, like many other men, you struggle to stay in bed long enough to satisfy your companion sexually. If you are wondering how to last longer in bed, then you are not alone.
Usually, men wonder how long should first round last. On an average, it lasts about for 5.4 minutes.
Read this post entirely to discover more about this.
Reasons To Last Longer In Bed?
For men, it is incredibly embarrassing to finish quickly in bed.
It’s humiliating, unanticipated, and it converts one of life’s greatest pleasures into one of life’s most enormous sorrows. No one prefers to apologize before, during, or after a sexual encounter.
However, men must be aware that it is also prevalent, while PE can be annoying. Realizing you’re not the one facing the issue can be reassuring, but it won’t change the fact that PE can have an impact on your bedroom.
Moreover, you can’t tell your partner that is an issue that most men face, and this doesn’t sound reasonable! Also, sex matters a lot for any successful relationship, and if you aren’t good in bed, it can negatively harm your relationship.
Now this will make you wonder how to last longer in bed. So, you may take a few steps and follow some tips for first time sex that can help you stay longer in the bed. Orgasming too rapidly does not have to be a problem you will face forever. If you apply a blend of tactics, you’ll be able to enjoy extended sexual encounters than you are accustomed to. Once you climax, sex comes to end!
Moreover, following your climax, you can enjoy your time by engaging yourself in oral sex or other forms of stimulation. Additionally, your partner will ultimately turn on completely, your refractory phase pass, and you’ll be ready to interact in penetrative sex once more.
10 Excellent Tips On “How To Last Longer In Bed?”
So if you are worried about how to last longer in bed, consider reading all these ten tips.
1. Practice Kegels Exercises
Improving your pelvic floor muscles is one medically prescribed strategy to extend your time in bed.
Premature ejaculation is more difficult to manage when the pelvic muscles are weakened.
You’ll have more command over when you orgasm during intercourse if you develop your pelvic muscles. Also, the good news is that developing your pelvic floor muscles will not take up a lot of time per day. Moreover, you should see improvements if you can accomplish at most three sets of 10 repetitions every day.
So, if you are worried about how to last longer in bed, then include pelvic exercise.
2. Use Condoms
One essential first-time sex tips that will help you last longer is condoms. Because hypersensitivity can trigger premature ejaculation, condoms are a simple treatment that can help sex continue longer. Moreover, a condom serves as a barrier all around the penis.
As a result, it will dull sensation and cause the ejaculation to delay.

3. Start switching positions
If you are looking for ways to stay longer in bed, you haven’t considered this option. If not, then you will think now. We often experiment with various sex positions to add diversity and experience intimacy.
Additionally, trying new ways is entertaining, but it is also necessary for happy sex life.
We don’t usually consider changing things up to resolve an issue. Also, if you’re having trouble performing in bed, certain sexual positions will assist you to remain longer. The main purpose is to make your penis less sensitive while enhancing the feeling of your sexual partner.
So, if you are wondering how I can last longer in bed, this is a fun and entertaining way for you and your partner.
4. Edging
Edging is the act of pushing yourself to the threshold of a climax, then pausing to cool before resuming.
So, perform the edging technique several times as possible to make sex last longer.
5. Engage in foreplay
During the foreplay phase of intercourse, some guys experience a climax.
As a result, they either don’t do any foreplay at all or do it insufficiently.
The way sex evokes women and men is completely different.
Before beginning penile-vaginal penetration, give your partner abundance time to loosen up. Moreover, when it relates to how your partner sees your performance, more foreplay can help some males last long as possible. So, if you are looking for ways how to stay longer in bed, this is an excellent option.
It postpones your orgasm while simultaneously bringing their companion nearer to climax.
6. Distract yourself from your work.
Another alternative is to divert your attention to something else, such as what you’re going to eat for supper. This may temporarily postpone ejaculation by diverting your attention away from the delightful sensations you’re experiencing.
8. Consult your physician about numbing drugs.
Prescription numbing drugs contain substances including lidocaine and prilocaine. Moreover, they help to reduce sensitivity and can treat premature ejaculation. They are available as creams or sprays. So, if you are thinking about how to last longer in bed, this can be an ideal option.
9. Masturbation before sex
Masturbating before engaging in sex can help you remain longer by reducing your body’s sensitivity to sexual pleasure. Additionally, it may take a little practice to figure out how long you must wait before having sex since you may have trouble getting an erection.
10. The Squeeze Technique
The pause-squeeze procedure includes having sex till you feel like you’re about to reach orgasm. Then, for many seconds, draw out and squeeze the top of your penis, or until the sensation to cum fades. After that, you can start another round.
Bottom Line
If the question of how to last longer in bed haunts you, then you can try out the tips mentioned above. Moreover, you can consult with the specialists of Ohman to assess your current condition.
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