
An interview with the leading female sports inspiration- Dani Iglesias

Dani Iglesias

So today we had an opportunity to meet with the globally known female sports inspiration. Yes, we are talking about none other than Dani Iglesias. She is known worldwide for her exceptional love and affection towards sports and her struggles for women-empowerment in sports especially soccer. Let us have a look at what we had to talk about during this short interview:

So Dani Iglesias, tell people more about you, your love for sports and where you belong?

“So my name is Daniela Iglesias. I basically I am from Argentina but then I moved to Los Angeles 10 years ago, I have been living here since then. well, about the sports’ love, it was always in me since I was a kid. I have always been quite passionate about sports, specifically soccer. You will always see me talk about it. ”

Dani Iglesias

Well, when it comes to knowing you often speak about it, we have heard that you also have been working in T.V. & Radio? We

“Yeah!! That’s right. I have worked in Radio and TV as i love working on them and hopefully i can continue it in future as well. This was constantly becoming a platform for me to talk about soccer and my team over there to empower them even more. Plus I can talk easily about it”

You have travelled to a lot of countries around the globe. Tell us about that.

“Who doesn’t want to travel at this age? just like everyone else, I am also a travelling lover and besides, I always support my teams and already have travelled the world following my teams and also football in general. ”

Where do you see yourself as a working woman?

“That should not be complicated to understand. I see myself as a sportswoman and also a sports announcer of some kind of big companies. I will keep working in this field as much as I can, to my best.”

An interview with the leading female sports inspiration- Dani Iglesias

So how does it feel to balance your domestic life with sports life while being a mommy?

“Well, that is not an easy task to do. Being a mommy of two weeks old is an honor for me, yet challenging at the same time. My son is my lifeline and his being inspires me to do more in my life. Balancing your domestic life with working one is the biggest challenge you have to face in your career and not everyone can do it that easily.”

We have also heard that you initiated some mommy stuff online? tell people more about it –

” Yeah, that is right, since I have been a mother I could not stop thinking about mommy kinda things. This forced me to start an online blog. I did it like a month ago, not more than that. I plan to do a lot with my blog website. “

What the name of the website is? also, tell us what is it about?

“Well, my website is Mommy Secrets. My vision behind this website is to help mommies with the daily life trips and tricks and fashion. This blog website is to help all women with their daily things. You can also see it on Instagram with the Same name and check out the stuff you like.”

So being a strong and well-developed working woman, is there something you would like to say to others?

“Yes, my message for others and new ones to the field is that even though the sports and especially football is a man dominated sport, but women also belong here. Women and young women highly require to know that we also belong in the sports”

Facebook link: Dani Iglesias

Daniyal Ali
the authorDaniyal Ali

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