Technology & Science

How to Lube Mechanical Keyboard Switches

How to Lube Mechanical Keyboard Switches

Mechanical keyboards have become increasingly popular due to their durability, customizability, and tactile feel. Lubricating the mechanical keyboard switches is one way to enhance the typing experience by making the switches smoother and quieter. In this article, we will explore how to lube mechanical keyboard switches step by step.

What is Lubrication and Why is it Important?

Lubrication is the process of applying a thin layer of lubricant to the moving parts of mechanical switches. Lubricants can help reduce friction, making switches smoother and quieter while reducing wear and tear on the switch components. This can improve the overall typing or gaming experience.

Lubrication can also help reduce the amount of noise produced by the switch, making it more pleasant to use in quiet environments.

How to Lube Mechanical Keyboard Switches?

Lubricating mechanical keyboard switches is a straightforward process that requires a few tools and a bit of patience.

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools

To lube mechanical keyboard switches, you will need the following tools:


There are several types of lubricants available for keyboard switches, including Krytox, Tribosys, and Super Lube. It is important to choose a lubricant that is safe for plastic components and compatible with your switch type.


A small brush, such as a toothbrush or a soft-bristled paintbrush, can be used to apply the lubricant to the switch.

Switch Opener:

A switch opener is a tool used to remove the top housing of the switch to access the components inside. There are several types of switch openers available, including plastic or metal switch openers.


Tweezers can be used to remove and replace the components inside the switch.


A small container can be used to hold the switch components while lubricating them.

Step 2: Disassemble the Switch

To lubricate the switch, you will need to remove the top housing of the switch. This can be done using a switch opener. Once the switch is open, remove the stem, spring, and top housing and place them in a container.

Step 3: Apply Lubricant to the Spring

Apply a small amount of lubricant to the spring using a brush or tweezers. Be careful not to apply too much, as this can cause the switch to feel mushy. Spread the lubricant evenly over the spring, ensuring that all sides are coated.

Step 4: Apply Lubricant to the Stem

Apply a small amount of lubricant to the stem, focusing on the sides where the stem rubs against the housing. Spread the lubricant evenly, ensuring that all sides are coated.

Step 5: Reassemble the Switch

Once the stem and spring have been lubricated, replace them inside the housing. Place the top housing back onto the switch and snap it into place.

Step 6: Test the Switch

After lubricating the switch, it is important to test it to ensure that it is working correctly. Press the key a few times and listen for any unusual sounds. If the switch feels or sounds different than before, try adjusting the amount of lubricant applied.

Step 7: Repeat the Process

Repeat the process for all the switches on the keyboard.

Lubing mechanical keyboard switches is an easy and cost-effective way to improve the overall feel of a mechanical keyboard. With the right tools and a bit of patience, anyone can enjoy the benefits of a well-lubed keyboard.

Lubricating mechanical keyboard switches is a process that can help to make the switches feel smoother, reduce the amount of noise they make, and increase their lifespan. While it may seem daunting, the process is relatively straightforward and can be completed with some basic tools and supplies. The first step in lubricating mechanical keyboard switches is to disassemble the keyboard and remove the keycaps. This will allow you to access the switches and work on them more easily. Once you have the switches exposed, you’ll need to clean them thoroughly with a brush and isopropyl alcohol. This will remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated in the switches. Once the switches are clean, you can begin the lubrication process. This typically involves applying a small amount of lubricant to the stem of each switch. The type of lubricant you use can vary, but most people recommend a thin, synthetic lubricant like Krytox or Tribosys. You’ll want to apply the lubricant sparingly, as too much can cause the switches to feel gummy or sluggish.

After applying the lubricant, you’ll need to reassemble the keyboard and test the switches to ensure they are working properly. If the switches feel too sticky or slow, you may need to remove some of the lubricant or try a different type of lubricant.

Overall, lubricating mechanical keyboard switches can be a great way to improve the feel and performance of your keyboard. While it does require some time and effort, the end result can be a more enjoyable typing experience and a longer lifespan for your keyboard switches.

In the conclusion, lubing mechanical keyboard switches is a simple process that can make a significant impact on the typing or gaming experience. By reducing friction and wear and tear on the switch components, lubed switches can become smoother, quieter, and more comfortable to use. However, it is crucial to use the right lubricant and apply it evenly and in small amounts to avoid causing any damage to the switch components. Using a switch opener, a brush, tweezers, and a small container, anyone can lube their mechanical keyboard switches following the step-by-step process outlined above. By doing so, users can customize their keyboard to their preferences and take their typing or gaming experience to the next level.

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