
Why Pediatric Dentists Advocate For Mouthguards In Kids’ Sports

Why Pediatric Dentists Advocate For Mouthguards In Kids’ Sports

Many of us recall the thrill of our first soccer match or the rush of scoring the winning run. Yet, it’s easy to forget the dangers kids face during sports. Pediatric dentists, including those at sealants riverside, advocate for mouthguards in kids’ sports. They believe in this simple protective measure. It can prevent a world of pain and expensive dental repairs. Let’s explore why.

The Risks of Kids’ Sports

Every year, kids take to the field, the court, the rink. They’re learning skills, building teamwork, and staying healthy. Yet, sports can bring risks too. Kids can fall, collide, or get hit by a ball. These accidents can lead to serious dental injuries.

Mouthguards: A Game Changer

Mouthguards are a game changer. They cushion a blow to the face. They limit the risk of broken teeth and injuries to the lips, tongue, face, or jaw. They can even help prevent severe injuries like jaw fractures.

The Science Behind Mouthguards

Studies support the use of mouthguards in kids’ sports. The National Library of Medicine found that athletes without mouthguards are 60% more likely to suffer a dental injury. Protect your child’s smile. Ask about a mouthguard at their next dental visit.

Not All Mouthguards Are Created Equal

There are three types of mouthguards: custom-made, boil and bite, and stock. Custom-made mouthguards are the best. They are made by a dentist to fit your child’s mouth exactly. They offer the best protection and are the most comfortable.

Comparison of Mouthguard Types

Boil and BiteGoodGood

The Bottom Line

Sports are a great way for kids to stay active and learn valuable life skills. But it’s crucial to remember safety. A mouthguard is a simple, effective way to protect your child’s smile. Make it a part of their sports kit. Keep the focus on the fun and the game, not the dental bills.

Daniyal Ali
the authorDaniyal Ali

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